I’m so glad you’re here! It’s never too late to heal.

For far too long, I sat on the sidelines of my life. I waited for others to give me permission and tell me I was worthy of taking action in my life. I slept-walked through my life numbing out from anything that felt overwhelming because it felt helpless and hopeless to try. I felt stuck; this invisible stuckness that I couldn’t put a finger on what it was but was preventing me from the life I deep down desired.

But I kept a smile on the outside, played pretend-normal in all areas of my life to make sure what I presented on the outside kept people feeling comfortable. And to do that, I became agreeable and available for everyone around me while I shoved down my own preferences, wants, needs and emotions to cope with the pain I felt from unresolved trauma from my past and betrayal trauma happening in my marriage that nobody knew about.


 I offer trauma-informed coaching, somatic tools and a safe space to help you understand yourself and heal your unresolved pain, so you can feel safe and sane.


I had no idea so much support was available to me, or that I was subconsciously avoiding healing my life and really looking at my past traumas. I was so out of touch with who I was or what I cared about that I had completely lost myself in titles such as “wife and friend.” I had betrayed myself for decades because that felt safer than choosing myself and loosing connection I thought I had with those around me.

I divinely learned about the enneagram and that began my journey of awakening. I finally had a language to what I had experienced my whole life. I felt deeply seen, known, validated and I began to see a path forward for myself. I finally gained the courage to begin facing me and all the things I’d avoided for so long. Getting in touch with myself, my anger, emotions and willpower led me to the deepest healing journey I never knew I needed.

I was finally able to choose myself and say, “no longer will I allow myself to be hurt,” and I broke the cycle of abuse in my marriage. I forged a vision of what I wanted my healing to look like and I began that journey in 2019 and I haven’t looked back.

I began to see the missing links in my life like unhealed childhood hurts/traumas, feeling unsafe in my body and in the world, not having the understanding or education on betrayal trauma and complex PTSD, self worth was non-existent, understanding my shadows and protective patterns, letting myself feel my feelings…and I went head first into the deep end.

It’s been years of growth and consistency. A lot unlearning my old beliefs, reprogramming new beliefs, choosing to show up for myself daily no matter what, understanding why I was stuck and healing my beliefs to believe that I could step into the life I always wanted deep down, but never believed was possible for me.

I became a trauma-informed Enneagram Coach and Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner to help someone like you truly heal the ways in which you betrayed yourself to survive that left you feeling disconnected from who you are so you, too, can know, trust and love yourself and find healing solutions to move from where you are now to the peace-filled, meaningful, purposeful life you’ve always wanted for yourself.

My Philosophy

After years of personal healing, my training and my experience working with clients one of my beliefs is that one of the primary reasons we feel stuck, unhappy, unable to truly feel and live the ways we truly desire to is because of unprocessed and unhealed trauma.

We spend years running away from things that made us feel unsafe at one point in our lives. At one point we had to develop coping mechanisms to keep us safe so we wouldn’t have to experience the painful thing. We then developed beliefs, which then leads to our thoughts and ultimately our actions, still founded in the habitual pattern of doing whatever we can to not experience the pain we once felt.

But something we can come to realize, through feeling stuck or like you’re hitting your head against the same wall over and over again in your life and relationships, is that those protective parts we used and founded our beliefs on no longer are helping us the way they once did. You are no longer that little kid. You are an adult. You created those protective parts of you and that means you have the power to heal and let them go.

It’s not as easy as “letting it go” and moving forward and if you’ve tried that, you know that never works. You have to show, not tell, your body and brain that you are safe now in order to truly be able to let those parts go, and that takes time and intention.

Below you will find the pillars of my coaching and the practices we will use together to help you create safety from within, so you can safely step towards the life you’ve been desiring all along and just never knew how.


Understanding why you think, feel and behave the way you do

The Enneagram is the best tool I’ve found to help give you the language your soul’s always known, but never knew how to express the things happening beneath the surface for you. I use the Enneagram as a tool in my coaching to support you in understanding the “why” about you and so you feel validated and supported in a very deep way.

Inner Child Healing

Within each of us, we have parts that maybe never felt heard, seen, supported, loved, wanted, protected, nurtured, etc. and these parts are the younger versions of us that dealt with something painful or traumatic that never knew how to process through those things. Part of our work is giving those parts of us a voice, meeting a need they never got met, showing them they are safe, reparenting them and ultimately upgrading them into your world now through integration. We cannot move forward until we look back and face the things we never did, making this work a necessity to our healing.

Learning to befriend our body

Your body is brilliant in the way it does it’s job so well in doing whatever it needs to to keep you alive. Even if that means it becomes dysregulated or creates certain emotions or beliefs, that aren’t actually helpful for your growth. A dysregulated nervous system is much more common than you’d think and it’s a primary aspect of why you feel unhappy, overwhelmed, anxious or shut down and withdrawn. It is crucial we learn to work with our bodies by understanding our nervous system, polyvagal theory and have tools in our tool box to diagnose where we are and how to support and shift our emotional experiences in a healthy way so we can create the actual transformation to step into the life you want to live.


Subconscious Reprogramming

Your beliefs drive your thoughts which drive your actions in your life. Neuroscience tells us that we operate in about 5% in our conscious mind and about 95% in our subconscious minds, which is where our beliefs are stored. Our brains have been molded and formed, creating beliefs from our experiences since infancy - both positively and negatively. Meaning, you could have the most well intentioned thoughts and actions, but if your subconscious mind is not on board it will be a struggle to move things forward the way you desire.

An intrinsic part of healing is uncovering the beliefs that you are operating out of that come from protection, lack or low self-worth so that you can give those parts of you a voice, heal them and let them go so you can step towards the life you want.

 Gabrielle Westbrook

education + qualifications


Integrative Somatic Parts Work Certificate (in progress) // The Embody Lab
Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate // The Embody Lab
Polyvagal Theory Trained by Deb Dana
Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner // RTT
Certified Hypnotherapist // RTT
Certified Enneagram Coach // YEC
Postpartum Fitness Specialist // JMG Fitness,
Certified Personal Trainer // ACSM
B.S. in Exercise Physiology