What is standing in your way of knowing who you are and feeling like yourself again?

The answer lies in healing and I’m here to show you your way back home.

 I offer trauma-informed coaching, somatic tools and a safe space to help you understand yourself and heal your unresolved pain, so you can feel safe and sane.



You feel like you have no idea who you are, what you like or what you’re passionate about. Like you’ve lost yourself in your roles relationships and you want to rediscover your sense of self.

You’ve been betrayed within your relationship and you feel lost in what to do. You’re in so much pain that nobody seems to understand and you try to keep going in your life but everything feels challenging and sad.

You’re realizing that in order to keep going through your life, you’ve betrayed yourself along the way by suppressing your emotions, choosing relationships over your well-being and you long to feel whole and happy again.

if you resonate with this, I want you to know how much you make sense and how possible it is for you to heal and feel like an even better version of yourself than before


 Watch a free coaching session from
Your Way Home: Empowered Enneagram 9 Course


How we can work together


Free resources

I’ve created many free resources regarding the enneagram and betrayal trauma. You can also become a part of the community who receives my weekly newsletter!


Join the Empowered Enneagram 9 Course

A roadmap for the enneagram 9 to understand why you think, feel and behave the way you do so you can stop sleepwalking through your life, honor your pace, and live in the fullness of your vitality and sense of self


Schedule a consult for 1:1 coaching + RTT session

I know how unsafe it can feel to step towards healing when living in survival mode has felt more safe. You make sense. If any part of you feels like this would be the next right step for you, I invite you to book a consultation with me to explore working with me.


 Free Resource for Healing After Betrayal


Healing in your relationship after betrayal can be this dark, murky water of confusion, and if not treated with the respect it deserves, it can cause more unnecessary pain. We are sharing 10 things we wish we would’ve known and implemented sooner with you to help give you the starting point we never had.


 Love from past clients

“The most impactful thing I experienced was being given the permission to feel.”

I learned so much about how I show up that it completely altered how I approached experiences. I started showing up more authentically and by that I mean I allowed myself to express emotion and show emotion in front of others. This time with her was more than I expected and I am so grateful for my time with her.

-Client Testimonial

“ I found permission to discover my genuine self.”

I was living under the moral expectations of others and the shadow of my husband’s betrayal. It left me feeling stuck, misunderstood, and angry. Gabrielle has a beautiful way of gently asking questions that made me feel like she was invested in my life with me- pushing me forward, while also holding plenty of space for where I was at. It’s not about being “right” anymore, it’s about being me. Her coaching is for people who want to dig into the deepest parts of themselves and heal from the inside out. Gabrielle offers wise, kind, and relatable guidance in and through this process.

-Client Testimonial

“Having the language to communicate what's going on has made such a difference in my marriage”

 I felt like I was in a box.  I knew about the enneagram and I understood some of those things about myself, but as I would come across different situations, I would get frustrated in my responses because I knew there was a different way out but I didn't know how. Not only can I explain my frustration to my husband, but I can better communicate where that frustration is coming from and how it's affecting me. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot, and she was able to remind me to stay grounded and bring it back to me. And I just felt like a better human afterwards :)

-Client Testimonial


Hello, I’m Gabrielle

I’m so glad you’re here. You are safe here and I hope you know I genuinely care so much about your well-being and life.

My purpose for this page is to support you and remind you of just how much you matter. Your quality of life matters. Your healing matters. And changing your current circumstances and living your life the way you’ve always wanted to is so possible for you.

I want to help you understand the ways you have learned to protect yourself, the beliefs you developed and why, your feelings, reactions, patterns, and why you may feel stuck in your life so you can learn to meet yourself with so much compassion and acceptance and befriend yourself.

So that you do not continue to think something is wrong or broken inside of you. That your body and brain are doing their job of doing whatever it takes to keep you alive. To validate what you’re experiencing and help you know and believe that you make sense.

When you are able to show yourself you are safe, that is when things begin to shift in the most healing and profound ways.

Thanks for being here, I can’t wait to show you how all of this is true for you and support you in living the life you’ve always desired.